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Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across Northern Europe

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author: Inger G. Alsos  Ann Milbau  Mats Dynesius  Miska Luoto  Risto Virtanen  Rasmus Ejrnæs  Kari Anne Bråthen  Vigdis Vandvik  Guillaume Decocq  Hans Henrik Bruun  John-Arvid Grytnes  Mari Moora  Bettina Nygaard  Kristoffer Hylander  Kari Klanderud  Virve Ravolainen  Bente Jessen Graae  Stefanie Reinhardt  Jörg Brunet  Jonathan Lenoir  William Scott Armbruster  Liv Guri Velle  Martin Diekmann  Gunnar Austrheim  Arvid Odland  Carl Johan Dahlberg  John Birks  Martin Zobel  Per Arild Aarrestad  Jens-Christian Svenning  Sylvi Marlen Sandvik  Fride Høistad Schei 

Publication date February 11, 2013
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