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X-linked protocadherin 19 mutations cause female-limited epilepsy and cognitive impairment

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Description scientific article

author: Kim Hynes  Syd Barthorpe  Tally Lerman-Sagie  Sarah Edkins  Sarah O'Meara  Lucianne Vandeleur  Sofie West  Kelly Halliday  Raffaella Smith  Calli Tofts  Andrew Menzies  Jozef Gécz  Cheryl Shoubridge  Ingrid Scheffer  Leanne Dibbens  Dorit Lev  P. Andrew Futreal  Michael Stratton  James F. Gusella  Grant R Sutherland  Amos D. Korczyn  Jennifer Varian  Sara Widaa  Tatiana Mironenko  Gemma Buck  Samuel Berkovic  Daniel Geschwind  Patrick S. Tarpey  Andy Jenkinson  David R. Jones  Shane McKee 

Publication date May 11, 2008
Language English
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