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Assemblathon 1: a competitive assessment of de novo short read assembly methods

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author: Richard Leggett  Keith R. Bradnam  Paul J. Kersey  Michael C. Schatz  Iain Maccallum  Daniel S. Rokhsar  Shuangye Yin  Mark Diekhans  Sante Gnerre  Filipe J Ribeiro  Shaun Jackman  Adam Phillippy  Daniel R Zerbino  Binghang Liu  Dan MacLean  Ruibang Luo  Matthias Haimel  Guillaume Chapuis  James Ruby  Delphine Naquin  T Roderick Docking  Victor Solovyev  Richard M. Durbin  Aaron Earl Darling  Peter Skewes-Cox  Rayan Chikhi  Dominique Lavenier  Ted Sharpe  Ian F Korf  Sergey Koren  David Haussler  Ricardo Ramirez-Gonzalez  Joseph Fass  Nuno A. Fonseca  Shiaw-Pyng Yang  Zemin Ning  Benedict Paten  Dariusz Przybylski 

Publication date September 16, 2011
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