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Identifying loci for the overlap between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder using a genome-wide QTL linkage approach

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author: Ruud B Minderaa  Cathelijne J M Buschgens  Ellen A Fliers  Marieke E Altink  Judith S Nijmeijer  Joseph A Sergeant  Richard Anney  Tobias Banaschewski  Catharina A Hartman  Herbert Roeyers  Alejandro Arias-Vásquez  Robert D Oades  Richard P. Ebstein  Aribert Rothenberger  Pieter J Hoekstra  Philip Asherson  Michael Gill  Ana Miranda  Stephen Faraone  Barbara Franke  Hans-Christoph Steinhausen  Edmund Sonuga-Barke  Jan Buitelaar  Luise Poustka 

Publication date May 20, 2010
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