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Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and lung cancer by histological type: a pooled analysis of the International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO)

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Description scientific article published on 25 March 2014

author: John K. Field  David Zaridze  Vladimír Janout  Vladimír Bencko  Yun-Chul Hong  Triantafillos Liloglou  Angeline Andrew  Peter Rudnai  Dana Mates  Philip Lazarus  Monica Neri  Rayjean J Hung  Yen Wei Lim  Adeline Seow  Shen-Chih Chang  Zuo-Feng Zhang  Yuan-Chin Amy Lee  Kazuo Tajima  Paolo Boffetta  Ann G Schwartz  Paul Brennan  Eric J Duell  Hal Morgenstern  Michele L Cote  Jolanta Lissowska  Chikako Kiyohara  Lenka Foretová  Anush Mukeria  David C. Christiani  Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska  Eleonóra Fabiánová  Paolo Vineis  Loic Le Marchand  Ivana Holcátová  Keitaro Matsuo  Ying Chen 

Publication date March 25, 2014
Language English
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