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The contribution of 700,000 ORF sequence tags to the definition of the human transcriptome.

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Description scientific article

author: Ana Lucia Nascimento  Valeria Valente  Arthur Gruber  Gustavo H. Goldman  Paula Rahal  Marcelo Lima Ribeiro  Fernando A. Soares  Mozart Marins  Luciana Leite  Rui M. B. Maciel  Suely K Marie  José Rodrigo Cláudio Pandolfi  Sergio Verjovski Almeida  Maria A Nagai  Mari C Sogayar  Sandro José de Souza  Luis E. Andrade  Cláudia A Rainho  Emmanuel Dias-Neto  Sandro R. Valentini  Elizabeth Martins  José Eduardo Krieger  Dirce Carraro  Maria Ines de Moura Campos Pardini 

Publication date October 1, 2001
Language English
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