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Somatic mutations of the histone H3K27 demethylase gene UTX in human cancer

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Description scientific article

author: Meng-Lay Lin  Syd Barthorpe  Bin Tean Teh  Sarah Edkins  Gillian L Dalgliesh  Sarah O'Meara  Sofie West  Dave Beare  Raffaella Smith  Gurpreet Tang  Siu Tsan Yuen  Kelly Turrell  Lee Mulderrig  Andrew Menzies  P. Andrew Futreal  Helen Davies  Calli Latimer  Michael Stratton  Ronald A. DePinho  Kenneth C. Anderson  Gijs van Haaften  Jennifer Varian  Jon Teague  Sara Widaa  Tatiana Mironenko  Gemma Buck  Patrick S. Tarpey  David R. Jones 

Publication date March 29, 2009
Language English
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