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A large replication study and meta-analysis in European samples provides further support for association of AHI1 markers with schizophrenia

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Description scientific article

author: Marta Di Forti  Ingrid Melle  Michael C O'Donovan  Muriel Walshe  Thomas F. Hansen  Roel Ophoff  Marcella Rietschel  Ina Giegling  Pierandrea Muglia  Markus M Nöthen  Richard Bruggeman  Thomas W Mühleisen  Annette M Hartmann  Jaana Suvisaari  Srdjan Djurovic  Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson  Rita M. Cantor  Sarah Tosato  Chiara Bonetto  Leena Peltonen-Palotie  Olli P H Pietiläinen  Gesche Jürgens  David St Clair  Nick Craddock  Eric Strengman  Evangelos Vassos  David Collier  Hans-Jürgen Möller  Dan Rujescu  Andrés Ingason  Ole A. Andreassen  Clyde Francks  Robin Murray  Thomas Werge  Sven Cichon  Cătălina-Andreea Vasilescu  Jouko Lönnqvist 

Publication date January 12, 2010
Language English
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