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Periodontitis and early mortality among adults treated with hemodialysis: a multinational propensity-matched cohort study

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Description scientific article

author: Maria Letizia Gargano  Leonardo Martins  Pauline Ford  Giovanni Strippoli  Jörgen Hegbrant  Marietta Torok  Fabio Pellegrini  Amparo G Bernat  Casper P Bots  Luc Frantzen  Patrizia Natale  Michele De Benedittis  Ruben Gelfman  Staffan Schon  Jan Duława  Charlotta Wollheim  David Johnson  Suetonia Palmer  Valeria Saglimbene  ORALD Investigators  Paul Stroumza  Massimo Petruzzi  Jonathan Craig  Marcello Tonelli  Anna Bednarek-Skublewska  Marinella Ruospo  Germaine Wong 

Publication date May 22, 2017
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