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Evaluating the drug use "gateway" theory using cross-national data: consistency and associations of the order of initiation of drug use among participants in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys

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Description scientific article

author: Lisa Dierker  José Posada-Villa  Oye Gureje  Ron de Graaf  Yosikazu Nakamura  Sing Lee  Jordi Alonso  Yehuda Neumark  Stanislav Kostyuchenko  Wai Tat Chiu  Nancy A Sampson  Daphna Levinson  Matthias C Angermeyer  Dan J. Stein  Louisa Degenhardt  Ronald C. Kessler  Ronny Bruffaerts  Giovanni de Girolamo  Elisabeth Wells  María Elena Medina-Mora Icaza  Aimee N Karam 

Publication date January 8, 2010
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