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Antimicrobial drug resistance of Salmonella enterica serovar typhi in asia and molecular mechanism of reduced susceptibility to the fluoroquinolones

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Description scientific article

author: John Clemens  Leon Ochiai  Jeremy Farrar  Christiane Dolecek  Paul N. Newton  Jiebin Zhang  Tran Tinh Hien  Shanta Dutta  Zulfiqar Bhutta  Aliya Naheed  Phan Van Be Bay  Duc Anh Dang  Anne-Laure Page  Camilo J Acosta  Song Diep To  Baiqing Dong  Magdarina D Agtini  Rattanaphone Phetsouvanh  Christopher M Parry  Gordon Dougan  Constance Schultsz  Amit Arjyal  Sujit K Bhattacharya  John Wain  Nguyen Van Vinh Chau  Lorenz von Seidlein  Buddha Basnyat  Tran Thuy Chau 

Publication date October 1, 2007
Language English
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