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Genome-wide linkage scans for type 2 diabetes mellitus in four ethnically diverse populations-significant evidence for linkage on chromosome 4q in African Americans: the Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group

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author: Hanna E. Abboud  Robert L. Hanson  Paul L. Kimmel  Jeffrey R Schelling  Rulan S Parekh  Donald W Bowden  Ravindranath Duggirala  John R Sedor  Marina Scavini  Sudha Iyengar  Robert P Igo  David J Leehey  Nedal H Arar  Alka Malhotra  Kent D Taylor  Susanne B Nicholas  W. H. Linda Kao  William C. Knowler  Barry Freedman  Yen-Chu Chen  Farook Thameem  Lucy A Meoni  Stephen S Rich  Eli Ipp  Amanda Horvath  Denyse P Thornley-Brown  Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group  Orly F Kohn  Philip G Zager  Vallabh O Shah 

Publication date November 1, 2009
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