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Genetic variation at 16q24.2 is associated with small vessel stroke

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author: Lenore J Launer  Sara Pulit  Rainer Malik  William T. Longstreth  Kathryn M. Rexrode  Christina Jern  Donna K Arnett  Patrick McArdle  Martin Dichgans  M. Arfan Ikram  James F Meschia  Robin Lemmens  Joshua C Bis  Olle Melander  Sudha Seshadri  Jin-Moo Lee  Hugh S Markus  Braxton D. Mitchell  Solveig Gretarsdottir  Christopher D Anderson  Natalia Rost  Matthew Traylor  Vincent N Thijs  Ralph L Sacco  Tatjana Rundek  Cathie Sudlow  Steven Kittner  Jordana T. Bell  Peter M. Rothwell  Oscar R Benavente  Giorgio B Boncoraglio  Daniel Woo  Sylvia Wasssertheil-Smoller  Mike A Nalls  Bradford B Worrall  Carl D. Langefeld  Raji P Grewal  Jonathan Rosand  Kári Stefánsson  Jordi Jimenez-Conde  Agnieszka Słowik  Chris Levi  Paul I W de Bakker  Gudmar Thorleifsson  Stephen S Rich  Stephanie Debette  Cathryn Lewis  Jonathan Mill  Farid Radmanesh  Danish Saleheen  Eilis Hannon  Ganesh Chauhan  Myriam Fornage  International Stroke Genetics Consortium  Unnur Þorsteinsdóttir  Ioana Cotlarciuc  Laura Heitsch  Tim Spector 

Publication date December 20, 2016
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