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Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and CR1 associated with Alzheimer's disease

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Description scientific article (publication date: October 2009)

author: Michelangelo Mancuso  Simon Heath  Diana Zelenika  Sebastiaan Engelborghs  Francesco Panza  Philippe Amouyel  Florence Pasquier  Daniela Galimberti  Christophe Tzourio  Elisa Porcellini  Pascale Barberger-Gateau  Jean-François Dartigues  Paolo Bosco  Karen Ritchie  Benedetta Nacmias  Claudine Berr  Luc Letenneur  Béatrice Tavernier  Paola Bossù  A Alpérovitch  Seppo Helisalmi  Paola Piccardi  Maria Jesus Bullido Gomez-Heras  Mark Lathrop  María Victoria Alvarez-Sánchez  Nathalie Fievet  Christine Van Broeckhoven  Kristel Sleegers  Davide Seripa  Jean-Charles Lambert  Olivier Hanon  Onofre Combarros  Federico Licastro  Dominique Campion  Hilkka Soininen  Carole Dufouil  Peter Paul De Deyn 

Publication date September 6, 2009
Language English
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