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GWAS of cerebrospinal fluid tau levels identifies risk variants for Alzheimer's disease

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author: Amanda T Jeng  David A Bennett  Alison Goate  Douglas R. Galasko  Richard Mayeux  Philip L. De Jager  Lindsay A. Farrer  David S Carrell  Joshua M Shulman  Celeste M Karch  Vivianna M Van Deerlin  Denise Harold  Bruno A Benitez  Gerard D Schellenberg  Leslie M. Shaw  Lori B Chibnik  Yefei Cai  Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative  Sheng Chih Jin  Anne M Fagan  John S K Kauwe  Elaine Peskind  Amy Gerrish  Sarah Bertelsen  GERAD Consortium  Tara Skorupa  Jonathan L Haines  John Q. Trojanowski  Oscar Harari  Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC)  Margaret A. Pericak-Vance  Carlos Cruchaga  Matthew Bailey  David M. Holtzman  John C. Morris  Virginia Man-Yee Lee 

Publication date April 4, 2013
Language English
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