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Newly identified genetic risk variants for celiac disease related to the immune response

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author: David Sanders  David A van Heel  David P Strachan  Wendy L McArdle  Gosia Trynka  Ross McManus  Charles Mein  Ralph McGinnis  Jihane Romanos  Triona O'Brien  Martin C. Wapenaar  Daniel J Pennington  Chris Mulder  Lude Franke  Panos Deloukas  Rhian Gwilliam  Raymond J Playford  Lotte C Dinesen  Peter D Howdle  Graham Heap  M Luisa Mearin  William M McLaren  Dermot P. Kelleher  Marcel Bruinenberg  Wieke H M Verbeek  Alexandra Zhernakova  Cisca Wijmenga  Anthony W Ryan 

Publication date April 2008
Language English
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