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Functional organization of the yeast proteome by systematic analysis of protein complexes

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Description scientific article

author: Peer Bork  Anne-Claude Gavin  Anne-Marie Michon  Gitte Neubauer  Malgorzata Schelder  Jörg Schultz  Manfred Raida  Marita Remor  Marie-Anne Heurtier  Tewis Bouwmeester  Martina Marzioch  Sonja Bastuck  Andreas Bauer  Bettina Huhse  Heinz Ruffner  Miro Brajenovic  Gerard Drewes  Angela Edelmann  Bernhard Kuster  Roland Krause  Giulio Superti-Furga  Jens Rick  Angela Bauch  Paola Grandi  Karin Klein  Bertrand Séraphin  Manuela Hudak 

Publication date January 10, 2002
Language English
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