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Personal history of diabetes, genetic susceptibility to diabetes, and risk of brain glioma: a pooled analysis of observational studies

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Description journal article published in 2014

author: Melissa Z Braganza  Wei Zheng  Robert N. Hoover  Xiao-Ou Shu  J. Michael Gaziano  Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr.  Zhaoming Wang  Patricia Hartge  Stephen Chanock  Beatrice Melin  Meredith Yeager  Ulrike Peters  Sophia S Wang  Laura Beane Freeman  Cari Kitahara  Tania Carreón-Valencia  Avima M. Ruder  Martha A. Waters  Preetha Rajaraman  Howard D Sesso  Martha S. Linet  Nilanjan Chatterjee  Maria Feychting  Mark P. Purdue 

Publication date January 2014
Language English
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