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The Sequence of the Human Genome

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Description scientific article

author: Eli Venter  Barry Gropman  Ashwinikumar K Naik  Kendra Biddick  Anibal Cravchik  Dana Busam  Keriellen Wolfe  Ellen Suh  Trevor Woodage  Liansheng Zheng  Yiding Lei  Felecia Mann  Hina Qureshi  Steven Ferriera  Kabir Chaturvedi  Chinyere Ibegwam  Lisa Doup  Raymond Desilets  Marc Nodell  Francis Kalush  Gangadharan Subramanian  Danita Baldwin  Zhongwu Lai  Jeremy Heil  Michele Cargill  Stephen Glanowski  Ivy McMullen  Shibu Yooseph  Saul Kravitz  Arthur L. Delcher  Trung Nguyen  Chinnappa D Kodira  Andrew G. Clark  Jayshree Zaveri  Vineet Bafna  Carolyn Slayman  Mary Barnstead  Randall Bolanos  Craig Venter 

Publication date February 16, 2001
Language English
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