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NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES : A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics

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Description scientific article published on 27 February 2023

author: Daniel Galiano  Alexandra Sanches  Valéria Fagundes  Wesley Dáttilo  Augusto Frota  Lucas G da Silva  Fernando Gertum Becker  Michael M. Mincarone  Ana Cristina Petry  Carlos Benhur Kasper  Vinicius Farias Campos  Aléssio Datovo  Luciano G Fischer  Carlos Alexandre Fernandes  Luciano B. Lima  Jorge Luis Ramírez  Friedrich Wolfgang Keppeler  Renata Ruaro  Mauricio Mello Petrucio  Franco Teixeira-de Mello  Vanessa Daga  Joseph E Hawes  Waldney P Martins  Renato Tavares Martins  Juan Francisco Rivadeneira  Carlos A. Peres  Sérgio Luiz Althoff 

Publication date February 27, 2023
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