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Questioning the fetal microbiome illustrates pitfalls of low-biomass microbial studies

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Description scientific article published in 2023

author: Ashlee Earl  Frederic D. Bushman  Trevor Lawley  Curtis Huttenhower  Harry Sokol  Anne Salonen  Jens Walter  Peer Bork  Julian Parkhill  Wendy S Garrett  Paul O'Toole  Liza Konnikova  Eric G. Pamer  Joël Doré  Ruth Ley  Sarah Lebeer  Mathias W Hornef  Marie-Claire Arrieta  Liam O'Mahony  Alice Carolyn McHardy  Eran Segal  Katherine M Kennedy  Marcus C de Goffau  Michael G Surette  Deborah Sloboda  Nicola Segata  Jonathan A. Eisen  Stephanie C Ganal-Vonarburg  Fergus Shanahan  Alan Walker  Lindsay Hall  Thomas Rattei  Michael G. Gänzle  Omry Koren  Michal A Elovitz  Gordon C Smith  Tim Spector 

Publication date January 25, 2023
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