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Ancient chicken remains reveal the origins of virulence in Marek’s disease virus

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Description scientific article published on 14 December 2023

author: Louis du Plessis  Homa Fathi  Igor V Askeyev  Oleg V Askeyev  Gabrielle Franklin  Hannah Li  Henriette Baron  Dilyara N. Shaymuratova  László Daróczi-Szabó  Amir Saed Mucheshi  Ali Akbar Vahdati  Arthur O. Askeyev  Gabrielle Cass Baumberg  Naomi J. Sykes  Bram Vrancken  Maria Saña Seguí  Oliver G. Pybus  Sophy Charlton  Evangelos A Dimopoulos  Ophelie Lebrasseur  Hossein Davoudi  Steven R. Fiddaman  Laurent A. F. Frantz  Adrian L Smith  Jelena Bulatović  Ashleigh Haruda  Liangren Zhang  Stefan Dascalu  Olivier Putelat  Greger Larson  Venugopal Nair  Nemanja Marković 

Publication date December 14, 2023
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