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An online supported self-management toolkit for relatives of people with psychosis or bipolar experiences: the IMPART multiple case study

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Description scientific article published in 2020

author: Sonia Johnson  Joanne Rycroft-Malone  Andrew Walker  Jo Smith  Vanessa Pinfold  Chris Harrop  Puffin O’Hanlon  Catherine Wintermeyer  Pietro Viglienghi  Golnar Aref-Adib  Charlotte Morton  Fiona Lobban  Julie Billsborough  Sheena Foster  Naomi Ruth Fisher  Victoria Appleton  Bethany Gill  Elizabeth Murray  Ronald Siddle  Duncan Appelbe  Steven Jones  Elizabeth Lewis  Johanna Barraclough  Tibor Z Kovacs  Barbara Mezes  Chris Sutton 

Publication date September 2020
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