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Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies

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Description scientific article published in June 2022

author: Simone Mozzon  Suvodip Mukherjee  Emanuele Berti  Enrique Gaztañaga  Luca Visinelli  Richard I. Anderson  Hendrik Hildebrandt  Carlos J.A.P. Martins  Tommaso Treu  Roy Maartens  Marc Kamionkowski  Alessio Notari  Salvatore Capozziello  Ruth Lazkoz  Marika Asgari  Mustapha Ishak-Boushaki  Joan Solà  Mario Ballardini  Brooks Thomas  Yashar Akrami  Will Handley  Michele Moresco  Valerio Marra  Marco Raveri  Adriano Agnello  Stefano Casertano  Yuto Minami  Neal Weiner  Shahin Sheikh-Jabbari  Jacques Delabrouille  Dragan Huterer  Guido D'Amico  Dinko Milaković  Licia Verde  Joseph Silk  Martin Schmaltz  Vivian Poulin  Antonella Palmese  Raul Jimenez  Dominique Eckert  Alan Heavens  Vincenzo Salzano  Valeria Pettorino  Emmanuel Saridakis 

Publication date June 2022
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