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Two Warm Super-Earths Transiting the Nearby M Dwarf TOI-2095

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author: Karen Collins  Maximilian N Günther  Patricia Boyd  David Ciardi  Andrew Vanderburg  Ryan Cloutier  Allyson Bieryla  Samuel N. Quinn  Jason F. Rowe  Joshua Schlieder  Roland Vanderspek  Emily Gilbert  Keivan Stassun  Richard Schwarz  Rishi R. Paudel  Travis Berger  Susan E. Mullally  Joshua N. Winn  Brian P. Powell  Stephen R. Kane  David Charbonneau  George R. Ricker  Thomas Barclay  Ravi Kumar Kopparapu  Douglas A. Caldwell  Fred Adams  Michele Silverstein  Avi Mandell  Knicole Colon  Joseph Rodriguez 

Publication date November 2023
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