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A metric for spatially explicit contributions to science-based species targets

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Description scientific article published in 2021

author: Beth A. Polidoro  Eleanor Jane Milner-Gulland  Arne Geschke  Louise Mair  Richard D. Gregory  Eimear Nic Lughadha  Lian Pin Koh  Abhishek Chaudhary  Bernardo B N Strassburg  Malin C. Rivers  Bruce E Young  Xiaoli Shen  Marcelo F Tognelli  Keping Ma  Thomas E Lacher  Leah Gerber  Andrew J Plumptre  Louise Glew  David Hole  Lucas N. Joppa  Simon N. Stuart  Michela Pacifici  Friederike C Bolam  Stuart H. M. Butchart  Andrew L Skowno  Laetitia M. Navarro  Philippe Puydarrieux  Ana Rodrigues  Leon Bennun  Neil David Burgess  Monika Böhm  Jörg Freyhof  Thomas M. Brooks  Philip McGowan  Colin P Clubbe  Samantha L. L. Hill  Craig Hilton-Taylor  Michael Hoffmann  Carlo Rondinini  James Watson  Jon Paul Rodríguez  Viola Clausnitzer  Hugh P. Possingham  Eugenie C. Regan  Jonathan Green  Nicholas B.W. Macfarlane 

Publication date April 8, 2021
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