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Nondetection of Helium in the Upper Atmospheres of TRAPPIST-1b, e, and f

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Description scientific article published on 2 August 2021

author: Takayuki Kotani  Hiroki Harakawa  Tomoyuki Kudo  Masayuki Kuzuhara  Takashi Kurokawa  Sébastien Vievard  Yasunori Hori  Vigneshwaran Krishnamurthy  Christian Schwab  Paul Robertson  Takuma Serizawa  Motohide Tamura  Samuel Halverson  Klaus Hodapp  Mihoko Konishi  Bunei Sato  Brett M. Morris  Chad F. Bender  Joe P. Ninan  Ravi Kumar Kopparapu  Eric Gaidos  Arpita Roy  Teruyuki Hirano  Caleb I. Cañas  Suvrath Mahadevan  Suzanne Hawley  Gudmundur Stefansson  Scott A. Diddams 

Publication date August 2, 2021
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