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Mortality in individuals treated with COVID-19 convalescent plasma varies with the geographic provenance of donors

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Description scientific article published on 11 August 2021

author: Philippe R Bauer  Arturo Casadevall  DeLisa Fairweather  Peter Marks  Vitaly Herasevich  Jonathon W Senefeld  Rickey E Carter  Allan M Klompas  Patrick W Johnson  Michael A Golafshar  Kylie Andersen  Kathryn F Larson  Noud van Helmond  Michael J Joyner  Katelyn Bruno  James R Stubbs  Juan G Ripoll  Katie L Kunze  Elitza S Theel  Janis E Blair  Chad Wiggins  Matthew A Sexton  Juan C Diaz Soto  Sarah E Baker  J R Mills  Matthew Buras  Emily R Whelan  Jeffrey L. Winters 

Publication date August 11, 2021
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