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Cryo-EM model validation recommendations based on outcomes of the 2019 EMDataResource challenge

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Description scientific article published on 04 February 2021

author: Martyn D Winn  Alberto Perez  Ken A. Dill  Ardan Patwardhan  Daisuke Kihara  Gunnar F. Schröder  Maxim Igaev  Michael F Schmid  Jie Hou  Dilip Kumar  Colin M Palmer  Helen M. Berman  Catherine L. Lawson  James S Fraser  Andrea C Vaiana  Genki Terashi  Andriy Kryshtafovych  Daipayan Sarkar  Benjamin A Barad  Agnel Praveen Joseph  Christopher J Williams  Abhishek Singharoy  Jianlin Cheng  Dong Si  Bohdan Monastyrskyy  Luisa U Schäfer  Pavel V Afonine  Grigore Pintilie  Xiaodi Yu  Kaiming Zhang  Renzhi Cao  Peter B Rosenthal  Daniel P Farrell  Paul D. Adams  Mark Herzik  Sumit Mittal  Jane Shelby Richardson  Paul S Bond  Wah Chiu  Thomas C. Terwilliger  Kevin Cowtan 

Publication date February 4, 2021
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