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The LHS 1678 System: Two Earth-sized Transiting Planets and an Astrometric Companion Orbiting an M Dwarf Near the Convective Boundary at 20 pc

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Description scholarly article

author: Gavin Wang  Leonardo A. Paredes  Evan Tey  Michelle Kunimoto  Eliot Halley Vrijmoet  Nicola Astudillo-Defru  Karen Collins  David Latham  David Ciardi  Andrew W. Mann  Todd J. Henry  Tansu Daylan  Andrew Vanderburg  Jonathan M. Irwin  Ryan Cloutier  Benjamin J. Hord  Samuel N. Quinn  Wei-Chun Jao  Joshua Schlieder  Roland Vanderspek  Courtney D. Dressing  Keivan Stassun  Richard Schwarz  Ian Crossfield  Christopher A Stockdale  Ethan Kruse  Jeffrey C Smith  Avi Shporer  Sara Seager  Kevin I. Collins  Ramotholo Sefako  Joshua N. Winn  Stephen R. Kane  Jon M. Jenkins  David Charbonneau  Guillermo Torres  George R. Ricker  Veselin B. Kostov  Thomas Barclay  Joseph D. Twicken  Xu Huang  Thiam-Guan Tan  Jennifer G Winters  Michele Silverstein  Xavier Bonfils 

Publication date March 7, 2022
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