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Sustainability Agenda for the Pantanal Wetland: Perspectives on a Collaborative Interface for Science, Policy, and Decision-Making

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Description scientific article published in January 2019

author: Ronaldo G Morato  Franco Leandro de Souza  Francisco Valente-Neto  Victor L Landeiro  Peter Leimgruber  Carlos E Fragoso  Maria Rosângela Sigrist  Rafael Morais Chiaravalloti  Diogo Borges Provete  Fabiana Lopes Rocha  Rafael D Guariento  Viviane Maria Guedes Layme  Gustavo Graciolli  Pierre-Cyril Renaud  Gecele Paggi  Andréa C. Araújo  Arnildo Pott  Maria Ana Farinaccio 

Publication date January 2019
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