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Historical Disturbances Determine Current Taxonomic, Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity of Saproxylic Beetle Communities in Temperate Primary Forests

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Description scientific article published on 20 April 2020

author: Jeňýk Hofmeister  Radim Matula  Jessika M Pettit  Arne Buechling  Michal Frankovič  Joseph L. Pettit  Krešimir Begovič  Martin Dušátko  Thomas A Nagel  Marek Svitok  Martin Mikoláš  Michal Synek  Ondrej Kameniar  Radek Bače  Pavel Janda  Volodymyr Trotsiuk  Daniel Kozák  Miroslav Svoboda 

Publication date April 20, 2020
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