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Scientific outcome of the IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop on biodiversity and climate change

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Description scholarly report

author: Carlos M. Duarte  Shobha Maharaj  Pablo A. Marquet  Ute Jacob  Handa Collins  Yunne-Jai Shin  Sintayehu Workeneh Dejene  Edvin Aldrian  Ove Hoegh-Guldberg  Almut Arneth  Victoria Reyes García  Hans-Otto Pörtner  Christopher Trisos  Bernardo B N Strassburg  Rik Leemans  Sandra M. Díaz  Mahesh Sankaran  Xuemei Bai  Camille Parmesan  Balgis Osman-Elasha  David O. Obura  Sandra Lavorel  Josef Settele  Nico Eisenhauer  Ramón Pichs Madruga  Wendy Foden  Gregory Insarov  Jianguo Wu 

Publication date June 24, 2021
Language English
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