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Measurement of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays as a function of multiplicity in p-Pb collisions at $$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} $$ = 5.02 TeV

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Description scientific article

author: Ya Zhu  Marek Kowalski  David Silvermyr  Christian Klein-Boesing  Torsten Dahms  Varlen Grabski  Edmundo Javier Garcia-solis  Yue Shi Lai  Peter Braun-Munzinger  Paolo Bartalini  Lukas Nellen  Chiara Oppedisano  Mikael M. Mieskolainen  Anton Alkin  Sarah Porteboeuf-Houssais  Debasish Das  Barbara Guerzoni  Martin Schmidt  Constantin Loizides  Alexandre Alarcon P. Suaide  Ian G. Bearden  Rafael Derradi de Souza  Antonino Zichichi  Øystein Djuvsland  Boris Hippolyte  Michal Šumbera  Yury F. Ryabov  Markus Keil  Janet E. Seger  Wladyslaw Trzaska  Davide Pagano  Udo Wolfgang Kebschull  Suyuan Liu  Suharyo Sumowidagdo  Sanjay Kumar Swain  Amal Sarkar  Jianhui Zhu  Janka Vrláková  Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus  Barbara Jacak  Martin Jung 

Publication date February 2020
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