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Vetting of 384 TESS Objects of Interest with TRICERATOPS and Statistical Validation of 12 Planet Candidates

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Description scientific article published on 11 December 2020

author: Mourad Ghachoui  William C. Waalkes  Brian McLean  Karen Collins  Ian Waite  Enric Palle  Felipe Murgas  John Kielkopf  Roland Vanderspek  Courtney D. Dressing  Hannu Parviainen  René Doyon  Avi Shporer  Sara Seager  Kevin I. Collins  Emmanuel Jehin  Joshua N. Winn  Khalid Barkaoui  Jon M. Jenkins  David Charbonneau  Howard M. Relles  Steven Giacalone  Guillermo Torres  George R. Ricker  Francisco J. Pozuelos  Thomas Barclay  Chris Stockdale  Joseph D. Twicken  Michaël Gillon  Thiam-Guan Tan  Eric Jensen 

Publication date December 11, 2020
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