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Race/ethnicity association with COVID-19 outcomes in rheumatic disease: Data from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance Physician Registry

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Description scientific article published on 03 November 2020

author: Jean Liew  Rebecca Grainger  Zachary Wallace  Zara Izadi  Pedro M Machado  Stephanie Craig Rushing  Patricia P Katz  Emily Sirotich  Laura Trupin  Jinoos Yazdany  Gabriela Schmajuk  Naomi Serling-Boyd  Paul Sufka  Milena A. Gianfrancesco  COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance  Suleman Bhana  Jeffrey A Sparks  Philip Robinson  Jonathan Hausmann  Lindsay Jacobsohn  Wendy Costello 

Publication date November 3, 2020
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